My husband took this picuture of our cat and photoshopped in her clipped ear. The clipped ear, as you probably know, is to show she's been "fixed" and released back into the neighborhood to rule. It got me thinking why people don't notch their own ears. Sure would have saved me at least one embarassing encounter when I had baby madness back in the day. I never wanted children but sometimes Mother Nature makes a last ditch effort - anyway, that's another story.
I thought of Van Gogh. I mean what would possess him to cut off his ear as a gift? He had to be at the end of his rope. Although it is an image of one of my most favorite valentine's cards.
And what about Peter slicing off a slave's ear when the soldiers came and then Jesus had to miraculously put the ear back on. Right - if only I could have remedied a faux pas or two as well.
Do we have ears to hear, and eyes to see?
This thought came through today as I discovered the internet service here in Denver dove to zero effectiveness after the big wind storm. Could my snarky message to Excell energy caused them to lash out at me personally? I mean, emailing me that there is an outage over a device that requires power, and instructing me to email back to their website to see how it's going?? I said their service worked like their logic. But now here I am... no service. Not even sure I'll be able to post this!
We're in trouble to rely so much on these devices and the whims of the billionaires who own them. I'd suggest smoke signals but the climate change wind storms and uber-dryness precludes that as an option. I'd suggest psychic connections but I fear you all have not been practicing like you know you should have been.
Do Everything At Local Levels: DEALL - I kinda like this anagram.
I will drink another cup of coffee and go back to the dining room table that has become my new studio space for the works on paper I've been doing. I need to figure out how I will "demonstrate" the "technique" for the First Friday Art Walk at fooLPRoof gallery next week. If you are in Denver, you should come by and talk to me and let me know how it is going. If you have ears to hear, and eyes to see. We all need to revive our original factory default settings on ourselves... get back in touch with our spirits and souls with fingers in the earth and grow our beings in connection with all life and each other... loving connections... sane connections... and make art that reeks of love. I like it...reeking of love.