Have you seen that meme showing a women looking displeased - it says Life is so expensive...and I'm not even having any fun. I have at least a little fun. Art is "fun."
Inflation, I scream. Utilities have tripled, property taxes are soaring, and grocery prices - hey, I got into a failed 'discussion' with a major grocery store chain over them giving 50% off food to people with i phones and their app... I don't have an i phone. Too bad for me, was their reply. I was not pleased. I'm lucky to operate this old flip phone. Someone said that the super wealthy will just get rid of us peasants by making housing, food and water unattainable. I flashed back to Soilent Green and other old Sci Fi movies... think of all the warnings we got from The Outer Limits. Fat lot of good it did.
Still I draw cartoons and now have a giant coloring book. Well, giant is a relative term. It is only 13" x 19". Not like the much bigger posters I used to put up in Galleries and supply crayons to patrons to color at the exhibition. Those were the "Art Therapy" days. They were interesting. It was amazing how many adults seemed to retain adolescent behaviors, as if their liberty gave way to strange graffiti, still.... I keep trying to give the benefit of the doubt to whomever.

This image is from the Coloring Book, titled Waiting too long for Justice. I like how Justice places a reassuring hand on the Goddess' shoulder, as if she knows something I do not. I hope she is right. Is Art an emotional outlet for me, you ask? What do you think?
I have also decided to give up my post office box, which I've had for 40 years. It has gotten to be too expensive and mostly just collects advertisements and charity pleas. I'm going to use the money to take a new writing course to study the spy thriller genre. I think it will be more fun than recycling all those adds. They never stop even when I ask, so I'll be saving trees. Giving that PO Box is the closing of another chapter in life. And it just occurred to me that nearly every business card I have is now obsolete. Ah well. The times they are a changing.
Sorry, this is being cut short by a glitch in the swamp cooler. Please don't let my husband climb a ladder and crawl on the roof. Send your best wishes, and I'll advertise the coloring book more later.