I so don't want to live under a dictatorship; I so want the US democracy to be alive and healed, and so does every person I know.... admittedly, many of my friends are dead, but not all of them! The art I have been doing for the last several months did have a civil political tinge: the Goddess and Statue of Liberty coloring book and some large and small paintings of Liberty's torch. I liked it.
Then I got into a nice fantasy with an artist friend and began drawing amusing and charming cartoons for his book. Then I decided to work on a project I have wanted to do for half a century at least, my own Tarot deck. These have been fun for me and help me to keep from despair over stuff like Iowa and the melting ice that holds the lid on some volcanoes. Here is my king of Swords. He's listening to an informing fairey. Wonder what she is saying?
Art has been almost the only thing worth doing. Well, cooking is also good. Back to the King -

The albino raven is just waiting to be colored. Blue, maybe. Of course I need to learn how one makes playing cards, and even before that I will need to find out if others would want this custom deck. I think I will invent a few special cards, like the everything is awesome card someone else collaged together...or a card claiming a major Snafu. Maybe the High Court.
(it is hard to be surrounded by misinformation.)
The Autumn in Denver was quite mild and such weather, when it doesn't jive with my memory, brings a yin/yang of 'this is nice' and 'cripes, this is creepy' to my mind. January brought the arctic down through the midwest and Denver was on the western edge of all that, so the below zero temps seemed more familiar, except now, being an old fart, I have this complaining arthritis that, if you don't mind my saying so, sucks. But hey! At least I am alive and free to travel to a grocery store and find food, and also the art store still exists so pens and drawing pads are available. One must refocus often on what one has and how to be grateful or it all - or else....or else....
I had a nice large painting at the Curtis Art Center and friends felt sure it would sell... friends are so sweet. But, when the world is uncertain, do the collectors just reinforce their vaults?
I decided that large paintings, other than tennis court sized museum pieces, are just too much for me to handle and transport, and who has the wall space? THAT is not positive thinking!! Right. Yes, I would LOVE to have an assistant, alas.... wouldn't it be nice if the billionaires would let loose a tad of their 95% of all resources so that old artists could have an assistant? And a house cleaner? That would be so helpful. But no programs like that seem to be forthcoming. So, I am doing smaller sized art... art I can carry... art others can participate in, like coloring or maybe my handmade oracle of Leslie's take on the Tarot that will be a balm. The news media is not helping my state of mind, so why not go back to the old old reliable tools of Magic?
Me? I love science. Michio Kaku is sooooo optimistic. Neil deGrasse Tyson says the opposite, that everything is out to get you. Still, the wonders of the Cosmos, all that dark matter mysteriously holding it all together, makes me happy to still be here wondering about it and thanking it for letting me still draw lines. I want YOU to continue being creative and problem- solving, too. God's nose we need more creative and innovative thinking!! Help save the planet
or at least, don't help it die. My honest-to-dark matter heart goes out to you, to us all. - Leslie