The new year has me quite slow out of the gate. The feeling of swirling down the drain and what is the point had me stalled but then I realized I was skimping on my antidepressants and that is never a good idea. Once I returned to my low but at least prescribed dose, life seemed worth living again. My advice - if all seems useless and lost, you may need a chemical boost. No shame in that. I said boost, not addictive habit. Be smart about what you put in your body.

I saw this photo on facebook and of course I was touched with a quiet delight, hoping it wasn't a trick. I imagined it was a meditation center, or an art studio - both would be fine with me. For a moment I felt bad that I hadn't thought of it first but quickly shut that line of thinking down. It is why we need each other. We can't think of everything ourselves! Way too much pressure.
So, welcome to the year of the black water rabbit and may it be better than last year. Even if your 2022 was pretty good (let me know how you managed that) I still wish for you a better 2023.
I think it is easier to keep warm in winter than to keep cool in summer. It is too easy to foget the situations of the seasons. Preferring the Spring and Autumn, possibly because my temperature tolerance has narrowed, the extremes of Winter and Summer require a lot of maintanence. For example, I have collected over the years several large market umbrellas that I ritually raise and lower all summer else the south-facing back yard would be too unbearably hot. In the Winter, the umbrellas are stored and the sun is captured by a window clad mud room and a big bay window. That passive solar heat that part of the house where we tend to hang out. But when the sun is obscured by clouds or planetary rotation, we put on extra layers to keep warm. We are lucky in many ways and yet why am I so fond of complaining? I think being raised on Bugs Bunny sarcasm has something to do with it. Or...
Could be a lack of happy juice from the brain's neurotransmitters. I want you to keep doing the stuff that squirts happy juice from your brains. Exercise. Veggies. Singing. Postitive thoughts. Anymore I rely on humor, though you may not know it from this post. I like comedians.

Thanks to Netflix and lots of non violent stand up comedians, I get my laugh therapy in nearly daily. And since my memory isn't what it used to be, I can rewatch routines regularly and still be entertained. This bubonic rat tour tee shirt (also swiped from face book) reminded me of the one souvenir I did buy from a trip to London and the Globe Theatre... a stuffed toy... a plague rat that amused the heck out of me and still does. So my house of Use less splendor has rats. At least, one.

Here she is on my keyboard. Do what you can to find smiles in your days. Moments matter. Everyone has tickets to the rollar coaster of life and the ride is mostly out of your control but whether you can learn to enjoy it is up to you. I really like Zoom. A great invention. I may never leave my house again to search for parking spots close to wherever it is I'm supposed to go. What I'm trying to figure out is how to have a virtual presence at the art gallery so that I can still talk to people young enough to stroll around while I am safe and cozy at home. It is either robotics, of which I know zero or I need to hire someone to hold a zoomy laptop and be my avatar after a fasion. Stay tuned on that. Not that I can hire anyone. In the mean time, keep doing your best to get through the day with loving kindness in your hearts. Laugh and work a puzzel now and then.
